Try Try Again!... and Again... And
by DPM on 07/23/12When I first tried to ride a bike, (i don't remember that long ago) but I'm positive that I crashed HARD. I'm sure that I got up (probably cried a little), dusted myself off and got back on and tried again. Like I said, I don't remember that long ago, but that is usually how things go. Of course, after many years of trying, training, blood, sweat, and tears, I was racing bicycles and doing pretty good at it.
This past weekend I took my family out to the lake. Everyone was having a great time in and on the water. After watching some others ski around the lake, my youngest decided that she would like to try to ski. Of course as any parent would be, I was proud, a little scared, but mostly curious how it would all play out. She got in the water, put on the skis, got some instructions from everyone, the boat takes off, and then... you guessed it! Face plant!! In true fashion, she cried and decided that she did not like skiing at all. I'm sure she'll try it again soon, but not today. It was just one of life's little reminders that to be good at something, we have to work at it.
No matter what your passion in life is, don't let a few setbacks keep you from trying to be what you want to be. It's your life, live it, enjoy it, and if it doesn't work out the first time, try try again. Until next time...
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